Catholics love to see details about Jesus! #9

.                              Jesus gave The First Catholic Bishops His Powers to do their Mission in the World.


Question 1:  “What are some of the ‘details’ that Catholics see about Jesus and His Apostles?”

Answer:  In Mark 16: 15-18 tells us!   First, ‘Jesus appeared to the Eleven and said to them:   ‘Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.’


Question 2:  “Did His Apostles do that?”

Answer:   “Yes!  They ‘spelled out’ The Words of His ‘Gospel’.   They ‘spelled out’ the fact that He had Spoken One Church Into Being with ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ with His Word:   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 3:  “What did Jesus say after He ‘spelled out’ that Gospel?”

Answer:   “‘Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved;  whoever does not believe will be condemned.’


Question 4:  “Many Willful Protestants say that we can get our soul into Heaven if we ‘believe’ and are ‘Baptized’.   Is that all we have to do?”

Answer:  “Jesus ‘spelled out’ more Words of Gospel!  For instance, He repeated fourteen times:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 5:  “Does that mean we should be Catholic?”

Answer:   “The Catholic Miracle of Transubstantiation is the only way to receive His Actual Body and Blood on earth!   Only Catholics can have that ‘have life in’ us.”


Question 5:  “Does that mean that we must do more than ‘believe’ and be Baptized’ to be ‘saved’?”

Answer:  “Yes!  Then Jesus told us of more Saving Power that He would give His Catholic priests:
     1.  ‘in my name they will drive out demons,’   (Absolution drives away demons of sin that Confession identifies.)
     2.  ‘they will speak new languages.’   (‘Transubstantiation‘ is one New Word in the ‘new language’ of The Catholic Church.)
     3.   ‘They will pick up serpents with their hands,’  (His priests will deal directly with the evil spirits in those who ‘confess’.)
     4.  ‘and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.’   (Absolution keeps sins we ‘drink’ in from harming us.)
     5.  ‘They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.’”   (Intercession lets Catholics ‘recover’ by asking His Saints to request God’s help.)”

Question 6:  “Who would reject That Help for their soul from He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies?”

Answer:  “People who think they know more than Jesus.”

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