Catholics see God’s Programming Power at Work! #45.

Catholics are blessed to see God's Programming Power at Work in His Prophets AND in us.

Question 1:  “Where can Catholics see ‘God’s Programming Power at Work’?”

Answer:  “Today’s Catholic Bible Reading from The Prophet Jeremiah includes Jer. 1:4-10: ‘The word of The Lord came to me thus:  ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet.  To the nations, I appointed you.’


Question 2:  “Does that let Catholics see The Programming Power of God?”

Answer:  “‘Before’ Jeremiah was conceived, God knew He would Program Jeremiah’s DNA to be able to receive, obey, and repeat Words from Him about the future that only God can see and share.”


Question 3:  “Did God Program and Download the electrons, atoms, and molecules in tiny DNA cells that would give Jeremiah the ability to Speak for God on earth?”

Answer:  “Catholics see The Programming Power of God in Jeremiah.  We also see His Programming Power at work in us!  Every Catholic is blessed with the ability to ‘Speak for God on earth’.”


Question 4:  “What Word of God are only Catholics blessed to ‘Speak for God on earth’?

Answer:  “We share The Church-Creating Word of God to His First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’!”


Question 5:  “What is the difference between Catholics and others?”

Answer:  “Mt. 13:1-9 explains what happens to ‘words’ Jesus gave His Life to ‘plant’ in human minds on earth:  ‘Some seed fell on the path and was eaten by birds;  some fell on rocky ground and was scorched and withered for lack of roots;  some were choked by thorns;’

Catholics are those in God’s Beloved Church:  ‘and some fell on rich soil and produced fruit.’


Question 6:  “Is every person responsible for saving his or her soul?”

Answer:  “Jesus is clear:  ‘Whoever has ears should hear.’ 


Question 7:  “What does that mean?”

Answer:  “Everyone ‘should’ be Catholic!”


May all be blessed to be Catholic and get the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus died to leave on earth from The Only Church He Spoke Into Being to provide them.

