Catholics see how simple History is.

.                                                         Catholics see how simple, and important, History is.


Question 1:  “How long have people created by God been inventing things?”

Answer:   The skeleton of an extinct mammoth was recently uncovered.  A flint spearpoint was embedded in one of its bones.    Radio-carbon dating showed that people invented flint-carving at least 14,000 years ago.  Groups of Early People had inventors!”

Question 2:  “What did early inventors invent?”

1.   Ways to start fires.

2,   Making cooking utensils out of stone and clay.

3.   Weaving.  Cloth.  Leather.  Needles.  Thread.  Shoes.  Soles.  Laces.  Nets.  Fishing hooks.  Huts.  Tents.

4.   Ways to turn cloth and leather into blankets and clothes.

3.   Chipping small pieces of stone into tools and weapons.

4.   Attaching chipped stones to wooden shafts to kill animals at a safer distance.

5.   Using those stone points to attack other people at safer distances.

6.   Passing those skills to their children.

7.   Organizing into small groups that grew.”


Question 3:  “What groups were invented?”

Answer:  “Families became Tribes.  Tribes grew into Nations.  Nations fought others and collapsed.   Survivors started Families that became Tribes who grew into Nations.  The process re-invented itself every few hundred years for the past 14,000 years.”


Question 4:  “Did inventors keep inventing things?”

Answer:  “The list goes on!

8.  Inventors invented irrigation, ways to harness animal power, selective breeding, and new plants.   Some people invented ways to Make Trouble.  Leaders realized:  “We have to keep them busy!”

9.  Inventors in Europe and America came up with:  “Keep them busy piling up mounds of dirt!”.   That became boring.  By 3,000 BC, inventors from Peru to Egypt ‘kept them busy’ building pyramids and stone monuments.  They were far more complicated than simple piles of dirt.

9.  Someone invented writing with pictures.

10.  Inventors invented written letters and words and sentences.   Communication became easier over longer distances and times.

11.  Inventors came up with ways to go from writing on clay tablets to parchment to paper (now, with electrons on screens!) as others invented more letters and words.

12.  Written History was invented.  People learned about past Families, Tribes, and Nations.   They promptly invented new ways to make the old mistakes.”


Question 5:  “Where was God while people were inventing all these things?”

Answer:   “God was inventing ‘The Deal’ !  He told Abraham, If you do what I tell you, you and your descendants will be successful on earth and get into Heaven!’

The records of Abraham’s Descendants were carefully written on ‘scrolls’ when they were invented.   God then ‘invented’ Prophets.  He told them what He would have happen in the future.   As long as His people followed “The Deal”, they did well.”


Question 6: “Did God’s people like ‘The Deal’“?

Answer:  “After a few generations, greedy people hated ‘Abraham’s Deal’!   They wanted earthly governments they could control with bribes and threats.   The greediest people convinced many others to join them in telling God:   “We want to be ruled by the kind of ‘Kings’ our neighbors have.  We cannot take more money from our neighbors if we have to deal directly with You and your ‘Judges’.”


Question 7:  “What did God do?”

Answer:  “He invented a ‘New Deal’!   He told His Prophets that The King of His Kingdom would come to earth.  ‘You will choose which King you want to obey.  You may choose to read The Prophets and obey He Who Fulfilled Them.   Or, you will decide to obey the earthly kings.  It is up to each one of you!’

Over 300 Prophecies came true when The King of God’s Kingdom was ‘born in Bethlehem’ was ‘lifted up before men’ and ‘no bone of His shall be broken’ was seen by those among ‘They shall look upon He Whom they pierced.'”


From that day until now, those who follow King Jesus obey The Holy Word with Which He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church into Being!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of God.”

For 2,000 years, ‘King Jesus’ has ruled His Kingdom on Earth with Peter and His Successors.  They are ‘The Vicars of Christ’.”

Catholics see how simple History is.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic:

