Catholics see Many Mysteries in one Bible sentence!

. Only Catholics are able to see the many, many Mysteries in One Sentence of The Bible!


Question 1: “What ‘Many Mysteries in one Bible sentence’ do Catholics see?”

Answer: “Today’s Reading includes Rev 7:9. It begins: ‘After this I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue;’


Question 2: “What is the ‘First Mystery’ in the beginning of That Sentence?”

Answer: “Mystery #1 is: What number is so great that ‘no one could count’? People can count to a thousand, a million, even to a billion. How many trillions of souls are in Heaven’s ‘great multitude’ who are so numerous that ‘no one could count’ that high?”


Question 3: “I see what you mean! The number ‘no one could count’ is a ‘Mystery’! What is the next ‘Mystery’?”

Answer: “Mystery #2: Does the word ‘every’ mean ‘every’? #3: Does from every nation, race, people, and tongue’ include ‘every’ person who ever lived and spoke? #4: Are some saved souls from Neanderthals, cave men, aborigines, and every people’ who ever spoke in ‘every tongue’ and did some of God’s Will? #5: a bizarre mystery that only Catholics can consider: Are some of those ‘uncountable’ souls in Heaven from other planets?”

When we think about that, we may consider the vastness of the Universe Spoken into God. This is a tiny glimpse of where the ‘uncountable souls’ may be living before being taken into Heaven!

. This picture is from The Webb Telescope. It shows a tiny part of the universe. Catholics see The Power of God to Speak all these Worlds into Being. Catholics consider this. We see how there could be a ‘great multitude’ of souls who are so numerous that ‘no one could count’ them.


Question 3: “Those are ‘Mysteries’! What is the next ‘Mystery’ in that Sentence?”

Answer: ‘ . . they stood before the throne and before the Lamb, wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands.’


Question 4: “Where is the ‘Mystery’ in that Passage?”

Answer: “There are many ‘Mysteries’! #6: Do souls have ‘hands’ that let them be ‘holding palm branches’? #7: Were they holding ‘palm branches’ in each hand that would double the ‘uncountable number’? #8: Did those ‘palm branches’ grow on an ‘uncountable number’ of palm trees? #9: Did those ‘palm trees’ grow along the nearby ‘river of life’ in Heaven (Rev 22:1)? #10: Did each person pick his or her own ‘palm branches’? #11: Were they passed out by angels? #12: Are souls in Heaven empowered to think ‘palm branches’ into being in their hands? #13: After that ceremony was over, were the ‘palm branches’ gathered up and used to fuel the flames of hell? #14: Does This Passage tell us that God is able to have St. John taken both into Heaven and into The Future? #15: Can God’s Grace let any human mind be able to see some of what He showed to St. John?”

Question 5: “You Catholics think a lot about God! How do you deal with so many ‘mysteries’ in One Sentence of The Bible?”

Answer: “We do what the souls in Heaven do in The Next Sentence! ‘They (and, we Catholics) ‘cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation comes from our God, who is seated on the throne, and from the Lamb.’


Question 6: “What lets Catholics see enough to do that?”

Answer: “Jesus left ‘keys’ on earth. They let us open the door enough enough to get a glimpse of Him and Heaven!”


Question 7: “Can anyone get those ‘keys’ and see some of The Power of Jesus on earth?

Answer: “We have free will! All may choose to gratefully obey This Word FROM Jesus Christ, Himself! Anyone may get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ from The Only Church HE Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word!

‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies did that for all of us who are blessed to be among ‘You are My Friends if you obey My commands.’ May we all be blessed to be as Catholic as we can!”


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