Catholics see! Protestant vanity leads to insanity.

Jesus Christ Spoke One Church Into Being! His Word is clear: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Protestants do not obey That Teaching of Jesus Christ. Catholics see the problems that Protestantism has caused.

1. Protestants keep themselves from having life in their souls! They all ignore This Instruction of Jesus Christ about Catholic Communion. “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” Jesus repeated that fourteen times! Protestants ignore Jesus!

2. That disobedience comes from vanity. Catholics see! Protestant vanity leads to insanity! “I know more than Jesus Christ about how to get into Heaven!”

3. Protestants keep their souls from being cleansed of sin! They will not admit that Jesus Christ did give His Catholic priests This Power: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

4. Most Protestants ignore This Teaching provided by The Only Church Founded by Jesus Christ. “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.” Billions of deaths have been inflicted upon the unborn, sick, and aged. They are being sacrificed on Babylon’s Altars of Convenience.

5. Protestants’ lack of love for the lives of others keeps them from loving their own lives and souls! They do not think about what must happen to the souls of those who willfully disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ!

6. Since they do not respect their gift of life, Protestants do not respect freedom. “My life is not worthy of freedom. Freedom has made me worse.”

7. Protestants end up with less love for children and families.


What replaces truth, love, freedom and families? Lies, death, slavery, and extinction. Protestants become to confused to see the effects of disobeying Teachings of Jesus Christ.

Catholics see! Protestant vanity leads to insanity.

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