Catholics see Reality in One, Short Sentence Spoken by Jesus.

Question 1: “Does Today’s Reading show us a reason to ‘Be Catholic!’ in One, Short Sentence?”

Question 1: “Does Today’s Reading show us a reason to ‘Be Catholic!’ in One, Short Sentence?”

Answer: “Only Catholics are able to see Literal Truth of Jesus in One, Short Sentence of John 8:12: ‘I am the light of the world’, says The Lord; whoever follows Me will have the light of life.’


Question 2: “Is Jesus ‘the light’ that lets us see God’s Creation and the actual ‘light’ of God and have the actual ‘life’ of God, Himself, within us?”

Answser: “Only Catholics see that short sentence is another call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated at least 12 times in the earlier Chapter of John, 6 and twice more at The Last Supper: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 3: “Why is Today’s Reading so important?”

Answer: “That Word of Jesus lets us see that ‘light’ and ‘life’ are One in Him. That Short Sentence lets Catholics see that if we meaningfully ‘follow’ Him, we will ‘Be Catholic’ and receive The Holy Food that is ‘light’ and ‘life’ within us.”


Question 4: “Do only those blessed to ‘Be Catholic!’ see The Holy Connection joining His Church-Creating Word to The First Pope with having the ‘light and life’ of Jesus in us when we receive His Body and Blood at The Miracle of Catholic Communion?”

Answer: “Only Catholics see The Holy Connection between ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ with the fact that we may receive Jesus as the living ‘light of life’ every time we receive Catholic Communion.”


Question 5: “What keeps Protestants from seeing why they should live by those Words of Jesus?”

Answer: “Worldly interests make Victims of Protestantism too confused to see Three Facts: 1. God’s First Commandment, ‘Thou shall have no other gods before Me.’ connects with The Fact that Jesus did ‘fulfill God’s Prophecies’ about Him. 2. God took Human Form on earth. 3. He ‘spoke’ One Church Into Being whose Catholic priests have The Power to let those who ‘follow Him’ have ‘the light of life’ shine forever in our soul.”

