Catholics see that Jesus and The Holy Spirit and The Bible are always right. 


Catholics respect God’s Authority.  Catholics see that Jesus and The Holy Spirit and The Bible are always right.  So, we honor and obey The Church-Founding Word of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit had these Words of Jesus put into The Bible:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.

Protestants disagree with Jesus.   “Jesus and The Holy Spirit and The Bible are wrong.”


Protestants choose among four alternatives.

2.  Jesus made a mistake.

3.  Jesus was not able to speak clearly.

4.  The Holy Spirit failed to have The Authors of The New Testament accurately record The Words of Jesus that are in The New Testament.

Catholics see that Jesus and The Bible and The Holy Spirit are always right.   We respect The Truth that Jesus and The Bible and The Holy Spirit shared with us.  We do not argue with Jesus or The Holy Spirit or The Bible.
Catholics see that we should strive to obey Jesus and The Holy Spirit and The Bible!
We Catholics do not insult Jesus and The Holy Spirit and The Bible by willfully disobeying Them!  We believe that They always Told The Truth.

Our beloved Protestant neighbors have been led to disobey The Church-Founding Word of Jesus.  We ask them a simple question.  Do you think Jesus actually said:

“And I say unto anyone but Peter,  I do not care that you are Peter and on this non-rock I do NOT build My Church and the gates of hell SHALL prevail against it.  I do NOT give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” ?

That simple question may move the smarter Protestants to think logically.  May all be blessed to see the simple, elegant Truth that is visible to every Christian!

Jesus, and The Holy Spirit, and The Bible are always right!

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