Catholics see the happy end of History!

The first sin led to the first Confession.

The first sin led to the first Confession.


Question 1:  “What was mankind’s first sin?”

Answer:  “Genesis 3:9-24 is clear:  ‘Eve and Adam disobeyed God and ate from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.’


Question 2:  “How did God discover Eve and Adam had sinned?”

Answer: “Genesis 3:9-24 tells us when God ‘called to Adam, he hid himself from God to hide his nakedness.’


Question 3:  “What did Adam do?”

Answer: “Adam invented ‘finger-pointing’!  He immediately blamed Eve for his disobedience:  ‘The woman whom you put here with me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it.’


Question 4:  “What did Eve do when Adam ‘pointed the finger of blame’ at her?”

Answer:  “She explained, ‘The serpent tricked me into it so I ate it.’


Question 5:  “Did God punish all three of them?”

Answer:  “He took the devil’s arms, legs, and wings away from him and cursed him to ‘crawl on the ground like a snake’ and live in mankind’s hatred.   Then, He taught Adam and Eve to make ‘clothes out of leather’ and kept them from ‘The Tree of Life’.”


Question 6:  “Did God give people who become Catholics access to ‘The Tree of Life’ thousands of years later?”

Answer:  “Jesus told us twelve times  in the Second Half of John, 6 ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’  He repeated that twice more at The Last Supper.  Catholics are blessed to understand that God lets us eat from The Tree of Life by The Miracle of Catholic Communion.”


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “Catholics are made out of mud / and take in Christ’s Body and Blood.”


