Catholics stay on The Road to Rome.

Catholics stay on The Road to Rome.  The first Protestants veered off after Jesus repeated His clear call to Catholic Communion for the twelfth time in John 6:66,   “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

“Huh?” they said. “That doesn’t make any sense!  Must be symbolic!”

But, Jesus didn’t say it was “symbolic”.   He simply repeated a dozen times,  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.

Twelve Disciples and a few others remained with Jesus, on The Road to Rome.

Afterwards, at The Last Supper, Jesus actually transformed bread and wine into His Body and Blood. He provided That First Holy Communion.  Those who obeyed His bizarre command could “have life in you”.

In every generation, Protestants drive off The Road to Rome.  “This is hard!” they say when considering “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blo0d you do not have life in you.”  Those who think “I know more than Jesus!” prefer to drive right into the ditch!

In every generation’s ration of genes, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” separates Protestants from obedient Catholics.

His bizarre command has separated sheep from goats in every generation.  Catholics realize that Jesus used His power to establish One Church.  She has the power to ordain Catholic priests with the authority to forgive sins and preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation for the absolved.

Each person, in every generation, is free to choose between Jesus and Conventional Reality.  His obedient sheep choose to do what is necessary to “have life in you.”

That is too much for many to believe!  Many joined the drives into Protestantism:  “I don’t believe in all that Jesus taught.”  In every generation,  those who worthily receive His Body and Blood until the end have “life in” them.

Better to be on His Straight and Narrow Road to Rome than in the ditch!
