Catholics suggest a new way to describe Words of Jesus Christ!

Catholics respect The Word of God.  The Father sent Gabriel to The Blessed Virgin, Mary.  He spoke This Word of God to Mary:

“Hail, (Mary) Full of Grace, The Lord is with you.”   Mary agreed to obey God.  Her Perfect Obedience allowed  The Word of God to take human form in the Prophesied Tribe, House, time, and place.

Jesus is The Word of God “The Word was made flesh, He lived among us.”


While on earth, The Word of God spoke many Words!

Every Word of Jesus is a Truth we may believe.

Catholics know that we must believe Every Word of Jesus.  Protestants know that, too.  Catholics go farther!

Catholics believe we must obey Every Word of Jesus.


This Word was spoken by The Word of God:   “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics obey That Word of God.  Why don’t Protestants obey That Word spoken by The Word of God?

Protestants do not understand what God’s Words are!  Catholics suggest a new way to describe Words of Jesus Christ!  We do some simple addition!

1.  Every Word of God Is A Truth we must believe.


2.  Every Word of God is a Truth we must understand.


3.  Every Word of God is a Teaching we must learn.


4.  Every Word of God is a Command we must obey.

We add that together!

10.  Every Word of God Is A Truth we must believe, understand, learn, and obey!


Catholics follow This Definition of Every Word spoken by The Word of God“Every Word of Jesus Christ is a Teaching Command That We Must Obey!”  if we want our soul to be forever among:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Who would argue with that?


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