Catholics take a new look at what “Prayers” are.

What actually happens when we pray? Every prayer is a request for help from God. “God, please ________.” Catholics take a new look at what “Prayers” are.

We think of prayers as “Prayer Photons“! Each “Prayer Photon” is a tiny, living message. We pray it into being in our mind. It takes on a “life” of its own. We send our “Little Messenger” to Heaven.

Clouds of “Little Messengers” rise from earth. Every micro-second, streams of “Little Messengers” arrive in Heaven!

Catholics know! Heaven is organized! There is Perfect Order in Heaven!


Catholics do not want our “Little Messenger” to be lost in the swirling rivers of “Prayer Electrons” that flow into Heaven.

Heaven is huge! Spheres of Holiness surround God. Spheres of Saints, Angels, and souls surround The Great White Throne of God!

Catholics pray for two things!

1. “I want my “Prayer Photons” to get there quickly!”

2. “I want my “Little Messenger” to get to the right place!”

Catholics know! Saints and Angels are close to God in The Heavenly Spheres. They have “Specialties”!

St. Peregrine is a “Specialist” in getting help for cancer and foot disorders! St. Thomas Aquinas is a “Specialist”! He helps those who want to think more clearly. St. Rita is a “Specialist” in helping people get along with each other. St. Bede is a “Specialist” in Time and History.

There are thousands of “Holy Specialists” in Heaven!


Catholics send our “Prayer Photons” to a Specialist. The “Specialist” zips it to God. If the Prayer Request fits into His Plan, it is granted. Many times, God says, “I’ve been waiting for that Prayer Request! I sent it into the requester’s mind! Granted!”

Every “Prayer Photon” is “empowered” by God. It bounces back to The Intercessor. It is sent to the right place in some mind or body on earth. It is now a “Big Messenger”! It has the power to change arrangements of electrons in minds and bodies on earth.

How long does it take? As long as it takes to blink!


We pray that Protestants will be “Catholic enough” to understand. Heaven is a Huge Organization! Heaven is Ruled by God. He uses His “Specialists”!

He empowers them to get His Work done on earth!


In Heaven, Catholic souls sit on comfortable chairs. Each one is made out of the “Prayer Photons” that we sent to Heaven!

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