Catholics tell atheists about The Big Movie.

When atheists insist, “There is no proof that God exists.”  Catholics agree with them!  Instead of arguing, Catholics tell atheists about The Big Movie.

“You are right, there is no proof!  God is so Smart and Powerful that He wrote and downloaded The Big Movie!   It’s programmed with something like 3-D pixels.  Each of us “Human Programs” is on a huge stage.  It whirls through what look like lots of galaxies!  Stage props are everywhere!   We have free will!  We write our own lines and play whatever role we want.  We can believe and obey God, or not!”

Atheists will shudder in horror:  “The universe is tens of billions of years old.  Or older!  Maybe, it always was!  There is no proof that God made it!”

Catholics tell atheists about The Big Movie.  “Of course there is no proof that God brought all Creation into being.  He didn’t want there to be!  It’s all here so He can separate sheep from goats!”

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The foundation of atheism is: “I am my own God.  When I die, I die.  There is nothing beyond.”

They believe that because they do not want to be judged.  They want to live without any rules they  do not want.  Their vanity has put them in a box.  Pride keeps them from recognizing a Higher Power, let alone One Who loves them.

We ask, “How can anyone prove that God did not put any of us into The Big Movie?  How can we disprove that that?  What’s the safest bet we can make?  After our performance, We meet The Critic and our performance is judged.”

It’s our duty that Catholics tell atheists about The Big Movie.


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