Catholics think about Cain and Abel.

Did Abel’s superior intellect and his obedience to God fill Cain with a jealous, murderous rage?


Catholics know. The History of Creation began at the moment God Spoke all the Wavelengths of Energy into Being with His Holy Word: “Let there be light.”

Human History began on earth when God created Adam and Eve. It continued with Cain, Abel, Seth, and others. Their DNA was infected with the Original Sin of their parents’ willful disobedience.


Genesis 1-4 tells us people have varying degrees of Original Sin:

1. Cain represents those driven by jealousy to hate God and neighbors who obey Him.

2. Abel symbolizes those who are more obedient to God. Their sacrifices to Him drive jealous people to attack them.

3. Seth was another son of Adam and Eve. Most of us live in “The Seth Space” between Saints and sinners. Like Seth’s son, Enosh, most of us will sometimes “invoke the name of God”. (Gen. 4:26)


We infer from Genesis 4:19-22 that Cain did not have the ability to be among any of these people:

1. “tent-dwelling livestock owners”. Cain did not have a ‘tent’ worth mentioning. He did raise sheep, goats, cattle, horses, mules, or donkeys. People who only gathered plants for food are not mentioned.

2. “Musicians”. Those who played the “lyre” and “flute” are specifically identified. The less refined skills of drum beaters and horn-blowers are not listed.

3. “Metal-workers in bronze and iron.” This group is interesting because “metal-workers” of gold, silver, tin, and copper were not thought to be useful enough to be included. Neither are those who worked with wood, stone, and skins.


“Killing your brother with a club.” is not included in The Bible as a desirable skill.


All Bible readers may wonder: “Was Abel so smart that he could do all those things?

1. Have the first ‘tent’, and

2. Play the ‘lyre’ and ‘flute’, and

3. Raise ‘livestock’, and

4. Work with ‘bronze’ and ‘iron’, and

5. Make pleasing offerings to God, and

6. Work so hard that he did all those things very well?”

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Did the same jealous envy drive Cain’s descendants to make martyrs of so many Prophets and Catholic Saints?”


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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
