Catholics think big! How big? 37 Trillion to One!

Catholics know that we are “made in The Image of God.”

The Prophet Elijah told us how “big” God is! God showed Himself to Elijah as a “puff of whispering wind.” (1 Kings 19: 11-13)

God never changed in size. He is Eternally Perfect.

Since our soul is “made in the image of God”, it cannot have changed in size. At conception, each of us was the size of a small grain of salt. Our soul was in, or around, that “grain of salt-sized” being.

That’s the approximate size of our soul! It is somewhere between an electron, or “Holy Photon”, and a “grain of salt.”


When we go to Judgment, our tiny soul stands before Jesus. He is seated upon The Great White Throne of Judgment at The Right Hand of The Father Almighty.

There are about 37 trillion cells in a human body. There are about that many cells in Jesus as He sits on The Great White Throne of Judgment!

Catholics think big! How big? 37 Trillion to One!

Catholics see The Great Love of Jesus for us! It is like a man with 37 trillion dollars caring about a person with one dollar!


Catholics visualize that! 37 trillion one hundred dollar bills would fill 166 Olympic-sized Swimming Pools!

Catholics think big! How big? 37 Trillion to One!

We see the Great Love of Jesus for us!

It is as if all the drops of water in 166 Olympic-sized Swimming Pools were concerned about One Drop of Water!


Catholics see The Miracle! God took human form. He was born of The Virgin Mary. He allowed Himself to be agonizingly Sacrificed as The Lamb of God.

He left us One Church! Jesus gave The Catholic Church the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” He left on earth! Jesus told us who gets to use those “keys”! “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics think big! How big? 37 Trillion to One! “Thinking Big” leads us to live according to This Universe-sized Fact!

“Every Word of Jesus Christ Is A Truth We Must Obey.”

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