Catholics think intelligently about everything we see.

Catholics see The Light of God through microscopes and telescopes and The Bible!

Catholics see The Light of God through microscopes and telescopes and The Bible!


Question 1:  “What lets Catholics think intelligently about everything we see?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics see the complexity of God’s Creation and see how to make sense out of five facts:

  1.  History’s most powerful telescopes let us see there are millions of galaxies, like the Milky Way.  They are spinning through space trillions of light years away.
  2. Those galaxies began moving away from a central point on what astronomers call:  ‘the day that had no yesterday’.
  3.  History’s most powerful microscopes let us see electrons spinning around inside atoms and molecules that are God’s building blocks.
  4. When we were conceived in our mother’s womb, we were the size of a grain of salt.
  5. As we grow up, we can see more of God’s Creation Program than any people in History.


Question 2:  “How does being Catholic help us make sense out of all that?”

Answer:   “Catholics understand these facts:

  1.  God ‘Spoke’ all Creation into Being with His Words.
  2. His Creation is made of ‘things’ and ‘movements’.
  3.  Every ‘thing’ and every ‘movement’ is an echo of His Word.
  4. God’s Words took harmonious form in everything He Programmed and Downloaded into Being in what Catholics see as ‘God’s Creation Program’.
  5. No one on earth can ever see an end to The Power of God.


Question 3:  “What do Catholics do with those facts?”

Answer:  “We see what The Bible helps us understand:

  1.  God ‘made us in His image’ because we can ‘program’ our thoughts, words, and all we make and do.  (Some of us even ‘program programs’!)
  2.  God loves us so much He wrote and downloaded The Creation Program to give us ‘free will’.
  3.  Some of us will choose to ‘love God and our neighbors as ourselves.’    


Question 4: “Why did God leave The Bible as a guide for those who believe in Him?”

Answer:  “God wanted a way to let every person get their soul into Heaven.  He gave us Ten Commandments in The Bible.  His First Commandment orders believers to ‘Have no other gods before Me.’  Since Cain and Abel, people either loved or hated God and their neighbors.”


Question 5:  “How did God make His Love for us clear?”

Answer:  “He gave us Prophets!  Over 300 Prophecies tell us that He would send His Only Son, Jesus Christ, The Second Person of The Holy Trinity, (Catholics see The Fullness of God) to tell us how to guide our immortal souls into Heaven.”


Question 6:  “What did Jesus Christ do while He was on earth?”

Answer:  “He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies gathered Disciples.  Then, He let Himself show His obedience to The Father and The Holy Spirit by letting Himself be nailed to a cross.


Question 7:  “Why did He Who was born in the tiny, prophesied village of Bethlehem (Micah 2:5) let Himself die to follow The exact Word of The Prophet (Isaiah 53:5):  ‘He was pierced for our transgressions’?”

Answer:  “He wanted to let everyone on earth be able to see that from His birth to His death, Jesus fulfilled Prophecies that specifically identified Him as The Promised Messiah.”


Question 8:  “Do Catholics believe that God Spoke The Universe into Being so every person could have an equal opportunity to get our souls into The Eternal Joy of Heaven?”

Answer:  “That is why He let each of us grow from being made of tiny atoms in a particle smaller than a grain of salt to be able to see countless galaxies like The Milky Way spinning through space trillions of light years away!   Catholics see The Power of God!”


Question 9:  “What lets Catholics be Catholic?”

Answer:  “We are blessed to think intelligently enough about God’s Power to obey His only Holy, Church-Creating Word that still echoes on earth!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”

Every microscope and every telescope and every Word of God in The Bible lets us see the same thing:  “Be Catholic!”


Question 10:  “What if we are unable to be Catholic?”

Answer:  “We can do the next best thing and make this heartfelt plea to God’s Only Son:  ‘Jesus have mercy on me’

We know why there is no . at the end of that Truth given to His beloved Saint Faustina!

(‘The Diary of St. Faustina’ is available free, below this post.  When you read it, remember:  “This actually happened to a Holy Sister with a third-grade education!”)



