Catholics think more clearly than others about Judgment. 4.

.                      Catholics think clearly.  We know that choosing to obey Jesus keeps us from drowning in confusion.


Question 1:  “Nations and denominations have been around before the Sumerians, 5000 years ago!  Who has been in charge of them?”

Answer:  “Before Jesus, they were run by leaders.  Some were influenced by good angels.  Others followed bad angels.  The Seventh Trumpet was blown, in Revelation 11:17.  All the bad angels were thrown down to earth.   Bad leaders choose to follow their commands.”


Question 2:  “Why did God have St. Michael throw the bad angels out of Heaven?”

Answer:  “It was Time for The Prophecies to be Fulfilled.   Future people would either be led by people who followed Jesus or those who followed fallen angels.”


Question 3:  “Did the devil try to keep Jesus from coming to earth?”

Answer:  “Yes.  Revelation  12:1-9 is clear.  God’s Power kept The Holy Family safe until Jesus could Speak One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church into Being with His Word‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; .  . ‘


Question 4:  “After Jesus, is each of us personally responsible for getting, or rejecting, those ‘keys’?”

Answer:  “Before Jesus, those in the 12 Tribes could choose to follow Moses, The Prophets, and God.  Then, Jesus and His Church came to earth.  Now, the leaders we choose to support tells God where each of us stands in relationship to Him.  Catholics in every time and place prefer leaders who will defend Faith, Freedom and Families.”


Question 5:  “Do the leaders we choose to support have an effect on our soul at Judgment?”

Answer:  “Every vote we make is written down in our ‘Book of Life’.  Those who supported a death-loving leader hear an awful sound at Judgment.”


Question 6:  “What do they hear?”

Answer:  “Rev 6:10 is clear!  The souls of every person that evil leaders killed are crying out for ‘Vengeance!’ from ‘The Altar of God’.”


Question 7:  “Whose are those souls?”

Answer:  “They are the souls of people who were killed for being ‘witnesses for life’ in Rev 6:9.”


Question 8:   “Leaders of many nations and denominations reject This Catholic Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’  What will happen to the souls of those leaders and their supporters?”

Answer:  “If we think clearly about Judgment, there is no better reason to be Catholic.”

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