Catholics understand: Mary’s soul was in control!

The Blessed Mother of God teaches us many things in The Bible.  Catholics learn:  Mary’s soul was in control!  Luke 1, 46-51 teaches an important truth about the difference between soul and spirit!

1.  “And Mary said:  My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”  The Blessed Mother of God is telling us that our “soul” is different from our “spirit”.   It is Her “soul”, and ours, who speaks of God’s greatness.

What does Mary’s “spirit” do?    It “rejoices” in that “proclamation” of Her “soul”, and ours!  First, the “soul” acts.  Then, the “spirit” rejoices.


2.  Another translation of that passage reads:  “My soul magnifies The Lord.  .  .”  Mary’s “soul” was in control of Her Spirit and Body.  Her holy “soul” allowed Her to “magnify” The Lord.   Mary literally “magnified The Lord” as His Body on earth multiplied from the one cell of Her Holy Ova into the 37 trillions of perfect cells that grew into God’s human form!

Mary’s is the most magnificent “magnification” in Creation!


For he has looked upon His handmaid’s lowliness;  behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.  The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is His name.”

The Bible is correctly prophesying that some people in “all ages” will call Her “blessed”.


His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him.”

Do those who refuse to call Her “blessed” keep themselves from being among the people to whom God shows “mercy”?

Protestants hate that question!

“He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart.”

Mary is telling us how God describes what He will do to those who refuse to respect His Blessed Mother.

They are “dispersed”!   Why?  They have chosen to be among “the arrogant of mind and heart.”


In every generation, Mary is that “test” of souls.  Those who knowingly deny Her Words have willfully chosen to be among the “arrogant of mind and heart.”!

Catholics thank God, and Mary, that we are blessed to obey Him and His Blessed Mother’s example of Her Obedience to Him!

Her Words are The Words of God!  We know that they are Truth because they are in The Bible!

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