1. Catholics understand “Revelation” by focusing on details.

. Catholics love to study details in The Book of Revelation!

Question 1: “Why is The Book of Revelation so hard to understand?”

Answer: “St. John was given ‘Revelation’ about all of time and space. His ‘visions’ of Heaven moved back and forth through time and space.”


Question 2: “That explains the confusion! Is there an actual ‘moment in time’ that St. John tells us about?”

Answer: “Yes! In one passage, St. John gives us an actual ‘time’ and ‘place’ that The Power of Jesus is revealed!”


Question 3: “Where does St. John give us that ‘time’ and ‘place’?”

Answer: “Revelation 5, 1-4 tells us that one specific thing must happen to make God’s Word knowable. Before that moment, ‘there was no one in Heaven or on the earth with the power to open and read’ the ‘Scroll’ of God’s Word.”


Question 4: “Does that mean even the Angels in Heaven could not read the ‘Words’ in the ‘Scroll’ in which God’s Truth had been written?”

Answer: “Yes. Until one, specific thing happened, it was impossible for God’s Words in the ‘Scroll’ to be known.”


Question 5: “I love details! What specific thing would let God’s Truth be revealed in ‘Heaven’ and ‘earth’?”

Answer: “One of the ‘Elders’ told St. John! ‘There is no need to cry: the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed and He will open the scroll and the seven seals of it.’


Question 6: “What happened after that?”

Answer: “St. John tells us what the “triumph” of Jesus did! ‘Then I saw, standing between the Throne with its four animals and the circle of the elders, a lamb that seemed to have been sacrificed; . . . The Lamb came forward to take the scroll from the right hand of The One sitting on The Throne . . .’


Question 7: “No being ‘in Heaven or on earth’ could know what God ordained to happen until Jesus ‘triumphed’ when He rose from the dead and ‘ascended into Heaven’! Is that the only specific happening that could let God’s ‘Scroll’ be opened and read and shared by Him?”

Answer: “You are able to think clearly enough to ask that! Therefore, you cannot have a good reason to disobey This Word from He Who ‘triumphed’ and opened the ‘Scroll’!

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
