Caucasoids are Semites.

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that most peoples between India and Ireland are related since they are largely descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Ten Tribes that spawned them were moved into the southern Caucasus in 720 B.C. From there, they spread throughout much of Europe and Asia.

In their outward moves, they replaced the Hamites whose former presence is indicated by the many, many areas of standing stones and buried chambers. When we see the “Migratory Period” that took place after the semi-Semite Roman Empire fell, it is obvious that dozens of tribes immediately moved into the power vacuum left by Rome’s collapse.

Semi-Semite Rome destroyed the Hamite culture of the Phoenicians/Carthaginians. Their success drove most human sacrifice from the area God’s Chosen People would soon settle and in which most would eventually become Catholics.

Franks, Frisians, Angles, Saxons, Danes, and Norwegians were the latest to move into the area. They replaced the Celts, the name given to the first of the Ten Tribes to move into western Europe. It was they who exterminated and absorbed the Hamites who left their place names (many with the syllable “bal”) behind.

From the “holy cows” of India to the “cattle raids” of Ireland, the bovines, made in gold and worshipped by the Ten Northern Tribes, were an important part of their pre-Catholic faiths.

The Visigoths of Spain are related to the Franks of France, the Danes of Denmark, and the Saxons of Saxony. As each tribe splintered, and many groups became kingdoms, they fought endless wars with each other.

What a stupid thing to do.
