Cause & effect.

God loves those who love Him. We who do so realize that He is the cause of all effects, the most complicated of which is the fact that He has given each of us the power to freely cause effects of our own, each one being smoothly written into His vastly larger program in such a way that “all things work together for good”. Each thing that we think, say, and do is a cause that has effects among the other programmed entities.

We also understand, with varying degrees of clarity, that the worst possible effect of our thoughts, words, and deeds is to have He Who programmed all creation, and us in it, give us what we truly deserve for the bad effects we have caused in the minds and lives of those whom we have hurt.

“All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.”

There are two ways we have bad effects on others, by doing harm and by not doing good.
