We know that some particles have positive charges, some negative. Catholic Fundamentalists think The Programmer programmed tiny particles with those charges to give us an analogy of our ourselves in the foundations of the physical world.
People have charges, as well. Unlike electrons, protons, and neutrons, we get to choose what charge we will have. Some of us work to program ourselves so that we may draw closer to The Programmer. We do that by obeying His operating instructions.
Others willingly download operating instructions that take them farther from The Programmer. They choose to follow other operating instructions.
Many choose to not have any charge at all. They fall into the “lukewarm water” category, and, as He told the lukewarm souls in Laodicea, they run the risk of being “spit out of His mouth.”
When our souls leave our body, they have either an attraction to, or are repelled by, or are indifferent to, The Programmer.
This determines where they go.