Chesterton: “The man who believes in nothing will believe anything.”

Some of us wonder how otherwise intelligent people will embrace the latest fad, no matter how mindless it is, with such rapidity. After they have embraced, they believe, and it’s almost impossible to let them see how silly, how transient, and how obvious the fraud is.

A recent study, done at the behest of liberals unhappy with the fact that most people didn’t share their belief in their biggest fraud, showed something interesting:
“Despite polling by progressive groups on support for climate legislation, a recent Pew survey found that just a third of white evangelicals believe global warming is caused by humans. And only 39 percent of black Protestants accept the evidence for human-caused climate change. The group most convinced that humans are to blame? Those unaffiliated with any religious tradition.”

When there’s no belief in He Who programmed all within the human mind, it’s easy for lies, in the form of tiny sprites and imps, to move in. Lies love a spiritual vacuum
