Children’s poem.

Some folks were pickin’ berries on the berm beside the road.

To help, they had a good-sized herd, a hundred well-trained toads.

When a toad would spot a berry, out it’s long tongue would shoot,

And pull the berry gently down, to a box beside its boots.

I stopped ‘n stared ‘n stayed to ask how they trained the toads to work.

An owner turned and answered me, “A good toad will not shirk.

A well-bred toad lives but to serve, and do what he is told

Until it reaches three or four, and starts to get too old.

By then they tend to wander off, and forget what they’ve to do.

They’re off a chasin’ bugs or worms, no good to me or you.

But while they’re young, we work them hard, and they enjoy their work.

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Beneath the bushes to eat flies and other kinds of pests

Before they get their tummies full and take a little rest.

We’ve got the finest herd of toads of any pickin’ crew.

We won first prize at the County Fair, and that was hard to do.

Each toad wears tailored coveralls, with buttons made of gold.

We glue a handle on each one, so they’re easier to hold.

When they’ve picked all the berries, we take them for a hop

Down to the nearest pigsty. They love the nice, refreshin’ slop.

Then, a quick trip to the pool, and clean up with a swim,

And, back home to the toad house, and then we tuck them in.”


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