Choosing to Sin

Some of our most complicated thinking/justifying goes on when we decide to do something wrong. That decision begins when we take too seriously “I want __________.” or ‘I want to _________.” All of can easily fill in the blanks with things or activities that we desired.

So, sin involves nouns and verbs. The noun sins, for instance, “I want to get that ________ without paying market price.” all come from the verb, “want”.

When we want some programmed entity or activity more than we want to obey The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions, we have committed the original sin from which all the later sins will result.

When we first realize that we want some thing or activity more than we want to obey The Operating Instructions, we have separated ourselves from He Who programmed us. Our soul is lonely without Him. As the distance between us increases, we grow ever more lonely. That makes us more susceptible to ignoring the Operating Instructions He downloaded for us.

Greater separations make us even more susceptible to temptations. Each subsequent divergence from Him takes us even farther from Him, and into a wilderness of loneliness. The farther we get from God, the greater our sins become.

That spiritual loneliness becomes a hotbed for sin. “He doesn’t care about you.”, is whispered into our minds a thousand times. “If He did, He’d want you to be happy.” We see entire groups of those who’ve given into the same temptations making utter fools of themselves as they wallow in sin. None of them are happy, though all claim to be.

The moment we sense a desire to stray from the straight and narrow path that leads to Him, we should begin simply repeating, “Lead us not into temptation.” Those magic words are an Access Code to The Loving Programmer that reaffirms our belief in the importance of obedience.

That heartfelt plea is on a special wavelength. It gets through to Him immediately. In the twinkling of an eye, programming assistance, in the living form of angelic Programming Assistants is on the way. We have but to smile in gratitude and be thankful.

We have dodged a deadly bullet.
