Christian unity: “Now is the day of salvation”.

Until the 1920s and 30s, Mainline Protestant groups agreed with the Roman Catholic Church.  All taught that birth control and abortion were wrong.

In the “Roaring Twenties”, Protestants began to abandon that position.  By the 1950s and 60s, a new generation of  Americans had, along with the schisms, increasingly accepted birth control and abortion.

In the fifties and sixties, the he connection between schism, sin, and death grew clearer.  In the early ’70s, abortion was legalized.

For a few years, the Pro-Life movement made some progress in stopping abortion, but it continued, largely unabated.  The Catholic Church did what it could, but many of Her other enemies had been weakening the Church’s political power in American cities.

Through WWII, the anti-socialist Catholic Church dominated big cities.  Large, prosperous parishes had their own school systems.  The Church operated hospitals and social services.   Some wanted to replace Catholic schools with public schools staffed with highly paid, unionized teachers.  Similarly, competitors for medical dollars wanted to get rid of Catholic hospitals.  Catholic social services provided unwanted competition for the state’s social workers.

Her enemies used “Progress!” to attack the urban Catholics.  Huge expressways began shattering parishes while large numbers of minorities were moved into Public Housing in urban areas.  Soon, white Catholics had to relocate to suburbs for safe living.  Usurious bankers provided mortgages.    Every hand was raised against The Church and Her people.

She was attacked so viciously by enemies on every front that it was impossible to defeat the abortionists.  What made it worse?  Pro-life people from every schism began competing organizations with different leadership, priorities, and funding.   The Pro-life movement was amateurish, uncoordinated, and easily stopped at every turn.

The schismatic nature of the pro-life movement made it impossible tor Pro-life people to coalesce around competing candidates and policies.  The unified culture of death made progress in every election cycle.  Now, we must recognize an unhappy truth:  it is the Christian schisms that allowed abortion to begin.  It is the Christian schisms that allow abortion to continue.

Since everything else has failed, we can see that the only way to stop the murder of innocents is for all Pro-life people to become Catholics.  Today’s reading included these passages from 2 Cor 6:1-10:

“Brothers and sisters:
As your fellow workers, we appeal to you
not to receive the grace of God in vain.
For he says:In an acceptable time I heard you,
and on the day of salvation I helped you.

Behold, now is a very acceptable time;
behold, now is the day of salvation.”

To fight effectively for life, we must rejoin our Mother Church.  And, we must have a sense of urgency about doing so.  “Behold, now is a very acceptable time;   behold, now is the day of salvation.”  If we do not, we may find there is an alternative reading to “now is the day of salvation” by realizing that “salvation” has an opposite.
