Christians are Praying for Deliverance

Every Christian with good sense fervently asks God to save them and their fellow Christians from the Moslem onslaught. Many Christians are asking for another Charles Martel to appear, vanquishing and driving back the advancing hordes. So far, He has not answered with the great, Christian hero for whom we pray.

That hero has not appeared. God is pro-Life. It is difficult for us to imagine that He will raise a person to save the pro-abortion nations of Europe from the more pro-life Moslems. Such a miracle will have to wait until Europeans within those countries stop aborting their own children. The cries of our unborn babies make it hard for God to hear the unrepentants’ cries for help.

Without our repentance and reformation, it’s hard to see why He would want to help those who have turned their back on Him, His Church, and their own children.

Christians Separate Themselves From God by Doubting Him

Some Christians find themselves becoming angry at God for allowing them and their fellow Christians to be hunted down and murdered by Moslems. For most of our common history, Moslems have been murdering and enslaving Christians. It wasn’t until the middle of the 1800s that most Moslem slavers were kept from raiding littoral Europe’s Southern coast.

During this period, Christian faith never wavered.

After six hundred years of being attacked, Christians launched a few crusades. That kept the Moslems away for awhile. Then, they grew strong, and, helped by bribing various courts in Europe, they were soon back on the offensive. Miraculous Christian victories at Malta (1565) and Lepanto (1571) kept them at bay a little longer. Within a hundred years, they were falling behind the West. By 1900, it appeared that they would never emerge from the Iron Age.

Now, once-Christian Europe is on the pre-collapse precipice that’s followed a long moral decline. Outside of Poland, most of the continent has fallen into a hatred of all sound Christian belief, mostly because the now-dominant libertines know that Christianity requires celibacy outside of marriage. No self-worshipping leftist can tolerate that curb on desires. So, every sin is embraced to justify and encourage an amorality whose end is an immorality that concludes in the death of people and peoples.

Some Christians have come to this conclusion: “My family and I are faithful and obedient. If God does not save us in this world, He will do so in the next. In the meantime, letting the Moslems exterminate the leftists and libertines may be the best thing for all concerned.”
