Christmas is coming! Catholics think of Mary and Joseph at Christmas!

Christmas is coming! Catholics think of Mary and Joseph at Christmas! Mary gave us The Greatest Christmas Gift of all! Without His Blessed Mother, Jesus Christ could not have been born at the Prophesied Time and Place and Family!

The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. How did Mary respond to The Message from The Messenger of God? She said “Yes!” Mary made this promise for all the rest of time! “I will be the handmaid of The Lord.”

Mary spent her life on earth serving God! Now, Mary serves God in Heaven!


After thousands of years, Mary let The Prophecies be fulfilled! Jesus Christ, The Living Son of The Loving God came to earth! We are grateful to Mary. She did God’s Will!

So did her husband, Joseph. St. Joseph gave the rest of his life to God. He took care of Mary and Jesus! Mary and Joseph send a message to all of us.

“We took care of Jesus. Follow our example! Christians, take care of your children!”


Our children are like Jesus in one way! Every child is a Gift from God!

Catholics know! Life begins at conception. The Catholic Church provides This Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Catholics do not stand in the way of life. We strive to raise our children as Mary and Joseph raised Jesus Christ!

Mary and Joseph took care of Jesus before He was born!

Mary and Joseph took care of Jesus when He was a baby!

Mary and Joseph took care of Jesus when He was a toddler.

Mary and Joseph took care of Jesus when He was a teen-ager!

Mary and Joseph took care of Jesus when He was a young adult!

Mary and Joseph have set a Holy Example.


May we all be blessed. May we love and help our children as Mary and Joseph helped Jesus.

Christmas is coming! Catholics think Mary and Joseph at Christmas!


Every day, simple reasons to be Catholic.
