The Only Church Jesus Founded

Jesus gave His life to provide “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” to The Only Church Jesus Founded.

In order to eliminate the confusion of ambitious, self-serving men, Jesus Decreed only One Church into Being.  He Decreed to one man, one time:

“. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Only Church Jesus Founded is still led by Successors to Peter.

The Only Church Jesus Founded provides 2,000 years of Unchanging Doctrine in The Faith Handed Down From The Apostles.

The Only Church Jesus Founded is led by clergy who respect Jesus enough to follow His Holy Example.  Catholic priests take The Holy Vows of Celibacy and Obedience.  They respect Jesus enough to live their lives as Jesus lived His.

Catholics are grateful to have been blessed to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Protestantism rejects The Only Church Jesus Founded!   45,000 ambitious men have invented their own Marketing Plan Denominations.  “I don’t want to be celibate!  I don’t want to be obedient!  I just want to make living by telling people what I think is best for them!”

That absurd vanity of the “I know more than Jesus!” vanity is followed by the false conclusion:  “Jesus gave me ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven, too!  I am as good as St. Peter.  Our denomination is just as good as The Only Church Jesus Founded.  Now, give me some money!”

Catholics look at the 45,000 Protestant clouds of confusion blowing across the sky.  The shadows they cast on earth have hidden Catholic Teaching:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Because of that confusion, billions of unborn children have been killed by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and devices.  If all who understood returned to The Only Church Jesus Founded, lives and souls could be saved.


