Cleve’s Catholic Questions

One of our favorite commentators has suggested that we show some of the questions that he has asked and try to get some answers from non- and anti-Catholics. His questions provide inspiration for others. Sometimes, questions are helpful, if only because they show that some people don’t like the right answers:

“You need a posting with those questions I ask that not one Protestant has attempted to answer:”
“What is the name of the Christian Church that taught Martin Luther about Jesus?”

A similar question: “How long was that Church in existence before Martin Luther?”
“What is the name of the Christian Church that Martin Luther attended before he started his self appointed denomination, the first of 43,000 to follow?”

Similarly, we would like to know “In what faith was Martin Luther ordained? To which Church did he swear undying allegiance at his ordination?”

Other times we wish to ask our non-Catholic neighbors: “You love The Bible. Which Church found the correct translations, put them in order, and provided them to all Christians?”
Its pretty much the Anti-Christ spirit using them to the point they cant even say the answers, its like the evil claws come out but of course they cant see it…

Thanks, Cleve!
