Coal and Oil and Catholic Fundamentalism

It is universally taught, and widely believed, that coal and oil are the remains of vast accumulations of plants and animals. When we see that some oil deposits are miles below the surface, some of them beneath thousands of feet of igneous rock, we understand that few notions could be sillier. Catholic Fundamentalism believes that God wrote and downloaded the vast Creation Program in six days, not three times as many billion years. It took Him a very short time to write the Coal and Oil sub-programs, along with the processing programs that produce them, and have them downloaded onto the Globe Program.

It’s hard, even painful, for people to begin to consider that The Programmer downloaded an ongoing system in which oil and natural gas are programmed to be continually produced from the heat of earth’s core. We are all trained, from our earliest schooldays, to discount that possibility. It may be so uncomfortable to think about continually produced oil that it’s dismissed with a “Hmmph! Fundamentalist claptrap.” So, most of us never consider what’s actually happening as extremely high temperatures far below force the formation of various hydrocarbons. In some places, oil and natural gas well up from the earth as do springs of water, and have been doing so for eons.

During The Flood (the mention of which prompts another knee-jerk reaction from well-trained modernists), much of the First Creation Program had to be erased, re-programmed, and re-downloaded. That second, mostly surface download, provides the structures we see around us, fossils, layers of rock, seams of coal, and what not. They were necessary to provide vain, pseudo-intellectuals excuses to exercise their free will to diminish or ignore God and His abilities. During that time, countless fountains of hydrocarbons were squirted into rapidly forming layers of rocks, where they were programmed to become compressed into seams of coal.

The Flood involved much more motion than is immediately obvious. During the five months The Flood lasted, the moon pulled a vast tidal wave around and around the earth, laying down layers and layers of various “rocks” that state-funded geologists persist in believing took place over billions of years. Catholic Fundamentalists, on the other hand, can look at the seams of rock exposed in an area like the Grand Canyon, and see that the whole thing could have been laid down, compressed, and the big gorge run through in a matter of months.

During The Flood, heat was applied from beneath, while pressures pushed down from above, as the crust cracked, opened, closed, and went through the metamorphosis to become what we see today when we drill or drive through rock cuts. At the same time, continents literally did “drift”, floating like icebergs on magma, to let later ages’ pseudo-intellectuals go on and on about tectonic plates.

Each part of the Crust and Mantle programs can be seen as having been written and downloaded to give the human beings who’d come to live on them free will. Each part of The Creation Program, especially when modified by The Flood Program, gave people a choice. They were free to believe that they evolved “naturally” or were programmed and downloaded by The Loving Programmer. That, too, is as it was programmed to be.

It’s very hard to give up cherished beliefs in which we have invested a lot of time. We’ve all been forced to absorb information about geology, evolution, and the cosmos that we may be proud of having learned. We are programmed with a vanity that forces us to applaud ourselves for having passed various tests. One of our greatest tests is to see if we can clean all the junk that junkmen have given to us and that we’ve carefully and obediently hoarded in our attics. Good luck!
