Coins have two sides.

We are all aware of illicit, improper desires that, if dwelt upon, have the result of separating us from the Loving God Who programmed us with all the gifts we have. It’s easy to be so focused on doing what is best for ourselves, hopefully for the longest haul, that we forget that those on the other side are similarly afflicted.

While we worry about demons getting into our minds and distancing us from God, they worry even more about angels coming into their minds, cleaning house, and bringing them nearer to God. The demons within are allowed to stay out of the agonies of Hell only as long as they keep their assigned soul headed toward it. They get the minds they control to do everything possible to assail, undermine, and assault soldiers (prayers for others are like living infantrymen, laser beams in angelic form) from God’s army from quieting and expelling the carousing mob of howling demons.

Believe it or not, every sinner is racked with doubt. They know what is being done to their own souls, and know where their souls are going. Most are too spiritually handicapped to amass the necessary moral energy to fight back, reverse course, and move to what they truly know is their only source of salvation After we get our own souls on a straighter and narrower path, we may encourage those around us to fight their demons, as well.

As awareness of the utter wretchedness of our own selves, and our perpetual tendency to be attracted to wrong relationships with the programmed entities and people around us, sinks in, we become aware of the fact that we have begun to love truth and neighbors more than lies and superiority largely by the immense grace given us from God and His followers. Much of that great gift came from the prayers of those as concerned about us as we, in turn, should be about our own neighbors.

By asking ourselves, “Have I been asking The Programmer to provide programming assistance for others as much as I ask Him for a more favored position for myself within His Program?”, we get an idea of how much more compassionate we may be.
