Colleges as child molesters

Most Americans are aware of the football coach/child molester at Penn State.  Located in a part of Pennsylvania known as “Happy Valley”, Penn State provides favored Pennsylvanians with its own socialist empire.  One can be born, educated, employed, retired, and live in Penn State housing the whole time.

No one wants to burst this very big bubble.   So, when a top football coach, Jerry Sandusky, was found to be molesting young, mostly fatherless boys, no one did anything about it.

The Penn State football program, proof that alumni aren’t overly bright, was a cash cow that couldn’t be threatened.  Every year, more little boys were abused.  No one did anything but look the other way.

The same college also employs Dr. Michael Mann, showing, again, colleges as child molesters.  He invented, or popularized, the “Hockey Stick”, to “prove” that the Warming part of the Global Freezing/Warming scam was “dangerous to humankind”.  The taxes raised to support the lunacies profiting from the scam impoverished families, which hurt children.  Mann brought in lots of funding to Penn State, so everyone looked the other way when it came to see if he was telling the truth.

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Again, we see colleges as child abusers.  The poor, abused children in useless studies go deeply into debt.  Many will never pay it back.   They can’t.  Still, the professors and the educators go on financially abusing children.  They make the good professors in useful studies look bad.

Sexually, intellectually, and financially, more people see colleges as child molesters.



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