Confronting relativity.

The other side has several methods of undermining the validity of anything it dislikes. In recent years, The Programmer has allowed Global Warming to become such a large issue to let those who might be saved see the type and depth of the lies so beloved by the other side. Examples:

1. “The Hockey Stick” was a graph produced with faulty math to portray a lie. Once its flaws were discovered, the calculations were hidden, making it difficult for truth-seekers to fully understand how much lying was done.

2. They say the world is getting warmer. But, they ensured that temperature recording stations were placed in artificially warm areas, like sewage plants and airport runways, that read abnormally high temperatures.

3. They say the Antarctic icecap is melting. A small part of it, sticking far out in the ocean, is getting warmer, but the 99% of the Continent is getting colder its ice is getting thicker.

The three lies above indicate how they lie. They pick out something that is, or can be made to look like truth, and magnify that while simultaneously denying everything else. Every day, they must make up new lies. Every day, they must repeat those lies.

They will fight for opportunities to lie for money. They will fight for jobs that pay big salaries and benefits for lying repeatedly.

It’s utterly mystifying why so many are willing to lose their immortal souls for a few, fleeting moments of fame and fortune. But, they are.
