“Connecting the dots” lets us perform on “The Right Side of The Stage”.

May all Actors be blessed to end our performance as Jesus did, on “The Right Side of The Stage”.

May all Actors be blessed to end our performance as Jesus did, on “The Right Side of The Stage”.


Question 1:  “Why do Catholics spend so much effort ‘connecting dots’?”

Answer:  “Our soul is an ‘immortal dot’.   We do not want our ‘immortal dot’ to be lost among the ‘stage props’ of  ‘God’s Big Movie’.”


Question 2:  “Why do many ‘actors’ hate to hear Catholics describing all there is as ‘God’s Big Movie’?”

Answer:  “Some ‘actors’ hate to realize they are mere ‘actors’ in ‘God’s Big Movie’.  They focus on getting the biggest rewards for playing the ‘role’ they choose in ‘God’s Big Movie’.  Big rewards, like yachts, tenure, benefits, or private jets are just collections of disappearing ‘dots’ that make ‘stage props’.”


Question 3:  “How do ‘actors’ get ‘big rewards’?”

Answer:  “All ‘actors’ choose which  ‘directions’ they will follow.  ‘Actors’ on ‘The Right Side of The Stage’ follow God’s ‘Directions’.  Those who most closely do that take Holy Vows of Celibacy, Poverty, and Obedience.  Those on ‘The Left Side of The Stage’ choose to follow the ‘directions’ of those who can gratify their most driving desires.  Those on the ‘left’ are, in fact, ‘left apart’.


Question 4:  “What kind of ‘disappearing rewards’ can actors on ‘The Left Side of The Stage’ get?”

Answer:  “Fame, fortune, and momentary satisfaction.  Today’s Catholic Reading includes ECCL 1:2-11 which describes the drive for stage props:  ‘Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities!  All things are vanity!’


Question 5:  “What ‘big rewards’ can actors on ‘The Right Side of The Stage’ get?”

Answer:  “Actors on ‘The Right Side of The Stage’ follow ‘directions’ that lead to getting the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus gave His Life to leave to His First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6:  “Does Jesus agree with Ecclesiastes and tell every ‘actor’ on earth to avoid the ‘vanity’ that keeps many actors from choosing ‘direction’ that leads to ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for the ‘immortal dot’ that is our soul?”

Answer:  “John 14:6 brings the words of Ecclesiastes into living, loving Truth:  ‘I am The Way and The Truth and The Life, says The Lord;  no one comes to The Father except through Me.’


May all “actors” be as Catholic as we can, and blessed to end our performance in God’s Big Movie on “The Right Side of The Stage”.



