Constant panic, endless alarm.

Both government and media labor mightily to find the biggest self-serving problems they can. To justify their high salaries and endless benefits, they know they need to keep us all in a state of alarm from which only they can make us safe.

False alarms are an extremely believable form of lie. Few of us can comprehend that the massive amount of thought and publicity devoted to something as utterly unreal as “global warming”, for instance, can be a total fraud.

Believing that such fears are real is to deny God, whose command, “Ye are to be as cunning as snakes.” was to put us on guard against the endless lies told by those in favor of death and taxes. When we become as “cunning as snakes”, we do not become snakes, but we do generate the ability to understand why they endlessly lie and cheat.

We also see that such fraudsters, whose faces and voices are contorted with worry and concern on every “news” broadcast, have become pitiful creatures of the night. Making money by passing on lies and exaggerations to make neighbors frightened and fearful has pathetic results. It leads to an erosion of self, a hatred of neighbors, and a denial of God.

Even while they destroy themselves with their lies, they also weaken all of us. Increasingly, people are unable to think rationally enough to spot fraud. When bombarded with endless lies, the truth is hard for many to find. Unused to standing up for truth, many cave in when they do identify a lie.

Strong societies stand on truth. The more lies are incorporated into a nations’ people, the weaker that nation becomes. Packing in too many lies, as Stalinists do, collapses a country in less than two generations. Lesser numbers of lies destroy countries more slowly.

The idea that Democracy continues to work even after it has been hi-jacked by special interests generally rots away a country. The vanity of believing that “my vote counts” in the face of a corruption that has obviously overwhelmed both Parties in a Two-Party system, as in England today, is the nucleus of further collapse.
