Continuing the analogy of the swarm of bees surrounding a lost soul

Continuing the analogy

of the swarm of bees surrounding a lost soul, we have to imagine the above picture reduced about a billion or so times. We also have to realize that the evil spirits operate on frequencies and wavelengths, or are frequencies and wavelengths, that we cannot sense, much like a silent dog whistle.

Early Christian missionaries in Eire said that “Before St. Patrick came to Ireland, there was a demon for every blade of grass. After St. Patrick, there was an angel for every blade of grass.” Without seeing them, they were aware of the tiny sizes of the foul beasts against which they fought in the battlefields of their own minds.

When we sense ourselves with an evil thought, it may seem so large that it will take over our minds, hopefully only momentarily. It is like a cloud of programming errors that forms when we let it. At the first sensation of that cloud, we simply say, “Holy Spirit, please send it away.”, and it will go. Each time it returns, we pray the same prayer.

As that evil spirit finds it cannot dominate our mind, others will come. Each of the seven tribes of demons (pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth (PEGGALS) must be met with the same urgent request for Programming Assistance. If we pray as often as we are tempted, it’s easy to be led to think that we are asking God for too much. That thought, of course, is one that the demons try to insert within our thinking so that we are discouraged from making “too many” requests for Programming Assistance.

It seems as if the “swarm” of demons is endless. As far as us and our earthly lives are concerned, it is. Temptations will swarm over us, to be fought until the end. So, we ask The Programmer and Holy Wireless Connector to let us remain strong, within The Program, until our battles here are over.

The angelic Programming Assistants will provide us with Programming Assistance, especially if we ask the Holy Saints in Heaven to intercede for us as we make every attempt to live our lives according to the Operating Instructions provided each precious, human program.

Why must we take part in this life-long fight against programming errors? As St. Columban of blessed memory sums up human’s earthly life, “Without a battle, there is no victory. Without a victory, there is no crown.”
