Conventional Reality is the state religion of Babylon.

Jesus said “I come to bring division.”  Jesus divided His obedient followers from those who preferred to worship in approved denominations.  Conventional Reality is the state religion of Babylon.

Conventional Reality is the state religion of Babylon.  Originally, Babylon’s Conventional Reality included astronomers that could predict eclipses of the sun and moon.  The need to support them justified taxation and slavery.

Every Babylon has many denominations.  There are educators, environmentalists, and “warriors for social justice” in every age.

Worshipers in Babylon’s many Churches of Conventional Reality demand:  “Listen to us!  We need funding!”  The armed forces of every Babylon procure and protect that funding.

Conventional Reality is the state religion of Babylon.  It provides exaltation to any movement that provides funding for its denominations.  The helpless are enslaved to provide funding for the denominations of Babylon.  Their causes and concerns fill the airwaves, newspapers, magazines, and internets.

Imaginary Problems are at the heart of Conventional Reality.  “We must study!  We must worry!  We must work together!  We must make sacrifices for The Community!”

Conventional Reality boils down to money-seeking groups demanding:  “Give us money or we will make trouble!”  Babylon’s many Departments,  Agencies, and Establishments are its denominations.   Conventional Reality is the state religion of Babylon.

Many escape the confines of Conventional Reality.  The absolutely bizarre thought that God could send His Son to die for us is repellent to Conventional Reality.

His Great Winnowing Command is even more outrageous!  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  The thought that God could actually be in bread and wine at Catholic Communion is utterly abhorrent to every Babylonian, especially the scientific ones!

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” makes Babylonians recoil in horror!  “How dare God say such a thing!  It cannot be true!  It is not scientific!  It is too weird for words!”

And they go back to Conventional Reality, the intellectual heart of Babylon.  There, they comfortably ignore The Catholic plea for love:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”
