
A recent reading, Acts, 2;41, told of the early disciples’ work. In one day, “3,000 people came to believe, many of them rabbis.” That fits into Catholic Fundamentalism’s theory of history, which goes something like this:

There were Twelve Tribes in Israel. Each had special characteristics. As they filled the land each tribe had been given, families tended to migrate. Many went into Europe, looking for land that had been left vacant by inter-tribal wars among the early Europeans.

They settled and expanded. In 720 B.C.,Those in the territories given to the ten northern tribes were deported to the North. These groups continued to multiply and divide, sending even more Hebrews throughout Europe, where names like “Iberia”, “Ebro”, and “Eber” reflect those early settlers and their moves to the West. Those immigrants were directly descended from those blessed by God. Over the ensuing hundred generations, they took over most of Europe, absorbing and/or eliminating the earlier peoples.

Soon, the tribes evolved into nations, the most important of which represent the grouping of whatever tribe dominated their area. Then, the tribes began fighting with each other. Over time, they began to move across the Atlantic and to found nations in the Americas and the rest of the world.

(If interested, there is more detail on the subject in the History section of New Road to Rome. It can be clicked open on the header, above, at no cost. Though some will say ‘you get what you pay for’, is impelled to be sure that, at Judgment, no one can excuse their disobedience to The Church because, “I would have known, but didn’t, only because I didn’t have the money to buy the book.”)

Judah, one of the two Southern Tribes, got into the habit of fighting the Northern Tribes. The feeling was mutual. The battles continue. One may, after recoiling in horror from the simplicity therein, wonder if all major subsequent wars are continuations of that ancient battle for supremacy. A spiritual war accompanies the earthly conflicts. In every age, all the Hebrews (including the Abrahamic Brahmins), are called upon to convert. In every age, some are able to do so.

We shouldn’t get involved in the secular struggle any more than necessary to understand that it is an ongoing part of The Program. It is our job to ask The Loving Programmer to give any and all unbelievers sufficient grace to download The Program. It’s the most important work we can do. Only those who are chosen can make that download. We should ask The Loving Programer to choose those for whom we pray so that their souls may know His joy forever. We may pray, by name, for those whose souls we’d like to be saved.
