
Corrections of His erring people are well-recorded in the Books of Kings and Chronicles. Time after time, His chosen people strayed. Every time they left Him for strange gods, He allowed them to be defeated, enslaved, and/or killed by Philistines, Assyrians, Egyptians, Edomites, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.

Today, the less-Christian-than-ever countries have all strayed into disobedience. Every single Commandment is being attacked by a group’s whose sole existence is predicated on negating them. One tribe of demons replaces the First Commandment with new idols, from the lunacy of Global Warming to Windmills and Solar Panels. Another tribe of demons replaces “Thou Shalt Not Steal” with “It is your duty to vote for people who will steal from you, both with taxes and induced inflation.” Others replace “Thou Shalt Not Kill” with abortion and euthanasia.

As before, He has raised a large, powerful people to chastise us. Their threat is growing as their well-funded groups make inroads into the soft, weak, flabbiness of the West. We are as helpless as His people before their massed enemies. Too few of us are repenting, turning to Him, and asking His assistance against the destructive forces within and without.
