Crusaders crusade

Crusaders crusade on the internet. In the great war that lies wage against truth, millions of people seeking the truth have turned away from the state-run media toward the internet. There, they find an amazing number of people who hate lies and seek truth.

It is inconceivable, for instance, that the God-praising writings on this site would ever be allowed to be broadcast by any state-controlled media. Similarly, the huge pyramid of global warming lies would be less likely to be de-bunked. The huge outpouring of food and water lies would have no truthful counter-balance without the internet. Education lies would be more widely told and believed if it were not for those who are able to tell of their gross exaggerations.

Now, everyone can see both lies and truth. Our choices are clearer. This means that Judgment will be more harsh for those who choose lies over truth because they can no longer make the claim “I didn’t know.”
