Crusading for relevance, 1

All government agencies seek relevance. Fortunately, modern improvements have provided most Americans with clean water, effective sewage, electricity, health care, transportation, etc.

To find relevance, agencies seek to find “emergencies” on which they can focus. Those desperate to maintain funding will periodically declare “war” on things like drugs; insignificant amounts of chemicals in air, land, and water; illiteracy; firearms; “unsafe” food; and the list goes on.

Many agency personnel will gladly bear false witness in order to increase funding for their agencies.

We must train ourselves to be aware that most “alarms” are frauds. Endlessly asking “who benefits?” is a big help in seeing the motivation for various “emergencies”.

Crusading for relevance, 2.

Often, existing processes are demonized to show the relevance of needs for additional funding. Electricity is a perfect example. One hundred nuclear power plants presently provide 20% of America’s power at a cost of a penny per kilowatt. Nearly free power could be supplied for all of us by building a few hundred more plants.

A few more plants could also provide power for electrically powered vehicles. No government agency, “news” broadcast, or private company tells how Americans can have cheaper power. Instead, power costs are increased, and generating plants are taken off line, so that we will have less power and pay more for it.

Who benefits?
