Cuba wasn’t the first country destroyed by the Super Rich.

Cuba wasn’t the first country destroyed by the Super Rich. At the turn of the last century, Russia, under the Czar, was on the brink of amazing expansion. The Trans-Siberian Railroad had opened up the largest land mass on earth. The settlements planned to follow were similar to the vast...

Cuba wasn’t the first country destroyed by the Super Rich. At the turn of the last century, Russia, under the Czar, was on the brink of amazing expansion. The Trans-Siberian Railroad had opened up the largest land mass on earth. The settlements planned to follow were similar to the vast Westward movement of Americans filling the Continent as they moved towards California.

Countless millions of Russian acres would be explored for mines and opened for farming. Factories would follow. Soon, Russia would not only be the largest, but also, the richest nation on the Eurasian land mass. Its population would explode.

The European super-rich had seen what America’s earlier expansion had done to old countries. European factories were unable to compete with American producers, partly because of the more modern machinery that new American manufacturers installed, and partly because transportation costs to the American market were lower for American industry. Increasingly, the vast American industries were competing, and winning, the international battles for steel production, coal mining, utilization of electric power, communication, and transportation.

The Czarist system made the new Russian competitor all the more dangerous. Under the Czar, government was limited. Compared to the swelling, stifling bureaucracies of Europe, the Russian government was vastly more efficient. Both Russian government and industry to be destroyed if the European super-rich were to continue increasing their wealth.

Super-rich Europeans knew that they could not withstand the competition from two colossal countries, the U. S. and Russia, churning out endless mineral, agricultural, and industrial products. So, they sent Lenin to the Soviet Union. With the financing provided by European billionaires, he was able to organize the angriest, bitterest, most maladjusted personalities he could find into a political/crime machine that would overthrow the Czarist Regime.

With armed gangs of murderers, rapists, and looters, led by vicious, low-level thugs like Stalin, Lenin was able to eliminate the Czar and his imprisoned family. Then, he was able to stop, with guns and bayonets, the early attempts at a Democratic Government. The threat that a free Russia posed to the European super-rich was eliminated.

The installation of Fidel Castro as Cuba’s leader removed a similar threat to the super-rich in America, and had the exactly the same, devastating effects on the Cuban people.
