The Culture of Death

Mexico’s Culture of Death once ruled nations from the blood-coated rooms at the tops of Aztec pyramids. There, priests covered the walls with caking blood that gushed and squirted from the beating hearts of sacrificial victims, sometimes twenty thousand in a day. The coagulated blood on the walls, ceilings, and floors of the sacrificial rooms was inches thick. The stench and flies were the most nauseating things on earth.

Looking down on the cities below, the priests who enforced this depravity encouraged their citizens to cannibalize the bodies of those who were sacrificed. These earthly demons slaughtered until the Spanish priests and soldiers came with Cross and Bible, horse and gun.

Today, The Culture of Death has taken on more civilized trappings. As in all modern organizations, there are specialists. Most effective in The Culture of Death are those who destroy the unborn. They are the abortionists and birth-control advocates, whose chemicals destroy the tiniest of unborn babies. They have inflicted the most deaths since the Culture of Death began, and are leaders of it.

Those who destroy lives at their end are the other hand of The Culture of Death. Supporters of euthanasia are thought to be “progressive” and have become so successful that, today, 2% of the people who die in Holland expire because they’ve been euthanized. All over the world, the movement to hasten the deaths of the old is encouraged as governments realize that generations of shameless pandering and vote-buying can’t be paid for. So, those who were taxed to pay for their promised “golden years” now have to die sooner to make the lies and broken promises made to them look as if they were true. Those in The Culture of Death have regressed to the level of ancient Eskimo tribes who routinely left those who reached a certain age on the ice to die.

Between the beginning and end of life, some in the Culture of Death destroy the living.

Those in the Culture of Death invariably favor anti-life practices. Children are taught that freedom is bad, but that license is good. They are channeled away from desires to create lives and families. Instead, they are encouraged to accept and practice destructive processes. Much of “higher” education is heavily involved in “de-programming” students to reject awareness of God, truth, and traditional morality.

Those in the Culture of Death’s life-wrecking battalions focus intently on sex. All sexual activities are preferred to chastity. Any moral impulse toward monogamy and marriage, especially early marriage, is discouraged. Nations have become desperate to keep people out of the house and working. Then, they can be more heavily taxed to pay the salaries of those who can find no other occupation as remunerative as government employment. So, it’s almost impossible, except for minorities and unwed mothers, to form households at young ages. Usually, the state does not allow such households to have fathers present in any part of child-rearing.

States Profit By Leading People to Early Death.

The Culture of Death, and those governments or agencies under its control, has been increasingly in favor of people dying young. That’s why Western governments encourage people to adopt life-shortening practices. The monetary advantages to the state are as obvious as they are never mentioned: gay men, for instance, have significantly shorter life spans than their heterosexual counterparts. They die twenty or thirty years younger. They spend their working lives as everyone does, making pension and social security payments. Tragically, many of them die long before they can get anything back.

Consider any educational or governmental agency. It is hiring people who will retire at age 65, or earlier. At that point in their careers, let’s assume they will be making one hundred thousand a year (in today’s dollars). Many will receive pensions that are at least 80% of their final salary. Most of them will live for at least another 20 years. So, each hiring agency has an incurred pension cost of at least one million, six hundred thousand dollars for each heterosexual male employee whom they hire.

Since most government and educational workers retire much earlier than that, say age 60, the savings in pension reduction is greater, about two million dollars. When one factors in the medical care that older people require, those savings are increased. That’s why it’s to any pension-paying organization’s financial advantage to hire people whom they know will die younger. (This is not as true for private sector employers, who actually make money by hiring the best qualified person, rather than the ones with the lowest retirement costs.)

If a state university, for instance, can hire ten men who will die sooner, basic actuarial conclusions are that they will “save” at least twenty million dollars, and possibly far, far more than that, in pension costs alone, with significant added “bonus savings” of not having to pay the ever-increasing medical costs.

When they hire 20 with shortened life spans, they will “save” forty million. Every 50 with shortened life spans they hire “saves” them a hundred million dollars. Any government agency, say, a state university, has a reduced pension cost of two hundred million dollars for every one hundred shorter-lived people hired. If, across an entire state university system, five hundred are hired, they will “save” a billion dollars. It is not unlikely that similar computations have been made by big businesses.

It is absolutely amazing that organizations like the ACLU, that profess to promote “fairness” and “equal opportunity for all” are not seeing this as “unfair, preferential hiring treatment to provide more budget surpluses to give bigger raises to top administrators”, which, of course, it is.

Catholic Fundamentalism Understands A Greater, Related Problem.

There are not only the financial reasons outlined above for seeing an incredible propaganda blitz, first telling young men that “homosexuals are born, not made” and then encouraging homosexuality as “just as good” a way to live. The head of The Culture of Death will do everything possible to get more souls suffering in his realm forever. Encouraging and making available immediate sensory gratification of every kind has always been a favored ploy to draw souls down into the pit.
