The culture of death.

Those who love death gravitate toward different degrees of death. First, there is the death of whole peoples. Death camps, gulags, and those who ban DDT are responsible for the deaths of billions. Those numbered among the Unborn Peoples are slaughtered by abortionists.

Some want to cause the death of families. Families are attacked by large welfare payments going only to single parents, vicious tax laws, no-fault divorce regulations, and the many, many “father-haters” and “mother-haters” who destroy traditional family structures.

Of lesser importance are business deaths. They are caused by punitive regulations, excessive taxes, vanity of over-extended owners, and a basic hatred of free enterprise. Many livelihoods are intentionally destroyed by the culture of death. Those people regularly destroy their neighbors’ jobs by sending businesses to places with low labor rates.

The death of excellence is a vital part of the culture of death. Excellence in education, finance, law, or any field of human endeavor, is always demeaned.

All those who’ve joined the culture of death work hard for the death of truth, as well. Anything that is not being destroyed is a threat to them, so each thing is attacked until it is destroyed. Then, they look for something else to kill.

What the culture of death never understands is that there are far more murderous people than they who are only waiting for a chance to destroy each one of them.
