All we need to know about the Culture of Death:

All we need to know about the Culture of Death: This from “Death from malaria means convulsions and delirium, retching and diarrhea, joint and abdominal pain so excruciating that coma can be a blessing. The parasitic infection destroys the body’s red blood cells and clogs its capillaries, depriving vital organs and the brain of blood. That malaria strikes some 300 million people annually — and kills an African child every 30 seconds — is all the more tragic given how preventable it is. But modern environmental ideology simply doesn’t permit the use of DDT, the most effective means of eradicating the ghastly disease.”

Hearts in the Culture of Death are hardened, if not actually ossified, when considering the pain they produce. They will not think about what their actions do to their neighbors. They are not only blind to death and pain, especially that which they, themselves, actively promote, but also, the worst of them do what they can to bring more death and pain upon their neighbors.

None wish to be reminded that DDT was nearly wiped out a few decades ago. They do not want to remember that malaria quickly became the crippling killer that it used to be when the neighbor-hating souls of the leftist environmentalists made it illegal to make and use.
