From death to life

In the thousand years after Rome fell, Christendom was under the control of The Only Church Jesus Founded.  Destroying demons were held at bay.  “The thousand year reign” of Revelation 20 ended five hundred years ago.

Then, “the dragon was released from the abyss” and Martin Luther began the fragmentation of The Catholic Church into the 43,000 schisms we have today.

Is it bad to have 43,000 Protestant schisms?   When there were fewer schisms, and all of them agreed on basic Catholic teaching, there was no abortion.  Now, several thousand unborn babies are killed every day, and The Catholic Church is too weakened politically to save them.

In the long stretches of peace, lies and sins gain ground.   Invasion follows.   When Christians are divided among 43,000 groups, conflicted, competing schisms keep Christendom from setting things straight.  We are stymied by The Protestant Paralysis.

There are steps we may take that will lead to curing the Protestant Paralysis and move from death to life.   The basic facts:

said to one man “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Priests ordained in living link with His Ordination of The Apostles are empowered to forgive sins and to turn bread and wine into His Body and Blood.

The devil uses whomever he can deceive to attack Jesus and The Only Church He Founded.

When we review the basics, we get the same old excuses for schisms, prompted by those whose salaries are at risk if Protestants become Catholic. “Catholic worship idols.”  “There were some bad priests.”  “We are saved by faith alone.”

Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God may not have been encouraged to take His words in John 6:53 as the gateway to Heaven.   He had many followers, and told them plainly “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

The weak believers left Him.  The true Disciples stayed.  From that day until this, that sentence has divided Protestants from Catholics

The following steps help unify those who understand so that sin and destruction may be stopped by greater acceptance of the need to obey His great separating command.

  1.  Urge all who say they believe to have enough faith in Jesus to more fully consider all His Words, with special emphasis on: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
  2. Make this clear:   Jesus wanted every person in every age to be able to choose to do what is necessary to “have life in you”.   He founded One Church, saying “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
  3. The purpose of His Church is to provide His Body and Blood to those choosing to obey “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
  4. To provide obedient priests, He ordained The Apostles with the power to ordain priests and Bishops.  They are empowered by Jesus with the power to forgive sins and change bread and wine into His Body and Blood, giving life to the faithful of all ages.
  5. This “life” He promised is not available in any schism.   Only Catholic priests are ordained as living links with the Apostles whom Jesus ordained.
  6. Each person will either believe fully enough to want “life” and become Catholic, or they must reject the only “life” Jesus promised with His only direct direction on what we must do to attain it.

If we want to have “life” in us, we must obey His instructions and receive Catholic Communion.   Is it possible to love our neighbor and not encourage them to take the steps to life?
