Daniel introduced Nebuchadnezzar to Greece and Rome AND Jesus. #13.

The world is filled with fallen cities.  For 2,000 years, The City of God has firmly stood!


Question 1:  “What year did Daniel tell Nebuchadnezzer the meaning of his dream?

Answer:  “Daniel spoke to a King of Babylon about 603 BC, almost exactly 600 years before The Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.  He told Nebuchadnezzer that his Kingdom would be replaced by Persians, Greeks, Parthians, Romans, Sassanids, and others.”


Question 2:  “Did Daniel 2:31-45 tell Nebuchadnezzar about The Coming of Jesus?”

Answer:  “‘In the lifetime of those kings the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed or delivered up to another people;  rather, it shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and put an end to them, and it shall stand forever.'”


Question 3:  “Was God speaking through Daniel to predict The Catholic Church?”

Answer:  “‘That is the meaning of the stone you saw hewn from the mountain without a hand being put to it, which broke in pieces the tile, iron, bronze, silver, and gold.  The great God has revealed to the king what shall be in the future;  this is exactly what you dreamed, and its meaning is sure.’


Question 4:  “Is The Catholic Church the only ‘Kingdom on Earth’ that has grown closer to God for the past 2,000 years while all the others have fallen?”

Answer:  “Jesus was The Timeless Word of God in Human Form.  Luke 21:5-11 tells us what Jesus prophesied to His Disciples as they walked near the most expensive building on earth, The Temple at Jerusalem:

‘While some people were speaking about how the temple was adorned with costly stones and votive offerings, Jesus said, ‘All that you see here will be destroyed.   The days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.”


Question 4:  “The Catholic Church was spoken into being by This Word of Jesus Christ:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’  Is that The Kingdom predicted by Daniel, 600 years earlier?”

Answer:  Jesus is God and Prophet!  His Word predicted the complete destruction of The Temple that would be totally destroyed 35 years later by Romans led by Titus in 70 AD.  ‘not one stone was left standing upon another stone’.”


For 2,000 years, Catholics have been blessed to live in ‘The City of God’.  Only Catholics are blessed to have received the actual ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ from Jesus Christ, Himself!


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<em>”Crats!”</em> is a <strong>very</strong> unusual novel. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Crats-Final-1.pdf

<em>”New Road to Rome”</em> is a simple Catholic look at The World and its History. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/New-Road-To-Rome.pdf

“The Book of Revelation” helps us use modern technology to understand the most complicated Book in The Bible.  We know more than we realize by understanding that every email we send is written in our “Book of Life” that God will read at our Judgment! https://catholicfundamentalism.com/the-book-of-revelation



