Our Debt to Environmentalism.

1. If you live in the American West, you may have lost your home to wildfire. Thousands of homes burned because environmentalists passed laws to keep people from being able to remove brush near their homes.

2. If you live in America, you pay vastly higher insurance premiums because people are not allowed to clear fire hazards from around their homes, dramatically increasing insurance losses.

3. If an air conditioner in your car, home, or workplace needs to be recharged, it can no longer be done with a .99 cent can of freon from Wal-Mart. That can, thanks to environmentalists having been hired by freon manufacturers to publicize the Imaginary Problem of the “ozone hole”, now costs over $20.00, and has to be installed by a licensed professional.

4. If you live in the country or suburbs, it’s nearly impossible to inexpensively install or repair a septic tank, thanks to environmentalists and their manic desire for “cleaning up”.

5. If you buy fuel or electricity, you pay anywhere from two to four times as much as you did before the environmentalists took control of Congress two years ago. Thanks to environmentalists, no new refineries, nuclear reactors, offshore drilling, or ANWAR oil is available to give you a better life by lowering your cost of living.

6. If you can’t find a good-paying job in manufacturing, it’s partly because environmentalists have made it difficult for any American manufacturer to do business North of the Rio Grande.

7. If a young person’s math or language skills do not enable him or her to do well, it’s because they were forced to waste countless thousands of hours of class time studying “environmentalism”, rather than reading Shakespeare or learning Algebra, Chemistry, and Physics.

Some have concluded that Environmentalists are their deadliest enemy that they, their families, and their careers have. More and more people realize that their institutionalized negativity is deadly.

Several recent columns have considered the “Esau have I hated, Jacob have I loved” passages. It seems reasonable that God, Who loves truth and life, puts environmentalists in the “Esau category”.
