“Deceivers” keep many souls from Heaven.

. ‘Deceivers’ do not want people to ‘acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh’.


Question 1: “Does The Bible tell us one thing that ‘many deceivers’ do?”

Answer: “2 John 4-9 is very specific in the definition of ‘deceivers’! ‘Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh; such is the deceitful one and the antichrist.’


Question 2: “All Christians believe that Jesus Christ did come to earth ‘in the flesh’. Are they safe from the ‘deceivers’?”

Answer: “‘in the flesh’ has two meanings in time and space. Most Christians believe that Jesus Christ came ‘in the flesh’ at His Birth in Bethlehem. Catholics believe that Jesus also appears ‘in the flesh’ at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper.”


Question 3: “How can that happen?”

Answer: “The Miracle of Transubstantiation takes place at every Catholic Mass. Catholic priests preside over the changing of bread and wine into The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.”


Question 4: “Do ‘deceivers’ believe that Jesus Christ appears ‘in the flesh’ at every Catholic Mass?”

Answer: “They do not recognize The Power of Jesus to let us obey what He told His ‘obedient friends’ to do 12 times in the second half of John 6 and twice more at The Last Supper: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ He told us that at least 14 times!”


Question 5: “All Christians know Jesus had The Power to come ‘in the flesh’ to Bethlehem. Do ‘deceivers’ keep people from understanding that Jesus Christ comes ‘in the flesh’ to every Catholic Mass?”

Answer: “One group of ‘deceivers’ tells us that Jesus Christ never appeared ‘in the flesh’. The other group is confused by a the ‘deception’ that Jesus does not appear at The Eucharist.”


Question 6: “How are the ‘deceivers’ deceived?”

Answer: “‘Deceivers’ teach them to not ‘acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh’ to be The Living Heart of every Catholic Mass. Those ‘deceivers’ willfully choose to not recognize His Power over Time and Space.”


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