Democracy tests souls of citizens and officials

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Citizens and officials want to go to Heaven. Some believe that being important here will help them at Judgment. Eternal joy is not that easily obtained. Democracy tests souls of citizens and officials

He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies was clear. He said one time to one man:
“Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
One man was given the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. He passed them on to his successor, and so on until today.

Where there are keys, there are locks. He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies has, despite protestations from others, given One Church the keys that open Heaven’s Gates. The Only Church He Founded has a Catechism in which the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven may be seen, understood, and obeyed.

It is extremely important to note that the Key-holder is specific: “Anyone who helps another to procure an abortion is automatically excommunicated.”

While “Pro-Choice” votes may be popular, there is an eternal price to pay. Sadly, many law-makers feel they do not need to obey the higher laws ordained by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies or The Church He promised The Holy Spirit would guide.

What must happen to the soul of any citizen or official who thinks, speaks, or votes in such a way as to be among “Anyone who helps another to procure an abortion is automatically excommunicated.”?

Democracy tests souls of citizens and officials.
